For the month of September I am a guest blogger for Woman Redeemed, a blog created for women to encourage one another in the valleys and peaks of life. Woman Redeemed offer tools, insights, and hope, with real life struggles and success stories. It's a safe place to take your mask off and know that you're not alone!
The theme I chose for September is...Finding Hope in...
The first week of September i s Finding Hope in Forgiveness.
Is it possible to find hope in forgiveness? Sheryl Griffin shares three areas of forgiveness that are key to opening a door of hope in our lives and relationships.
The second week of September is Finding Hope in Boundaries.
In order to see boundaries as the positive that they are, you have to first see yourself as valuable. You matter! In this blog Sheryl Griffin describes the importance of boundaries
The third week of September is Finding Hope in Confrontation.
Do you have a difficult time with confrontation? Many of us do! In this blog Sheryl Griffin lists ten things to consider before and during a confrontation.
The fourth week of September is Finding Hope in Failure.
Feeling like a failure affects everyone at one time or another. In this blog Sheryl shares five keys to help you begin to see hope in failure.
I invite you to read all four posts by clicking on the links provided. Comments, questions, or thoughts are always welcome at Woman Redeemed or email me directly.
There is always HOPE!
You are my hiding place and my shield; I HOPE in your word. Psalm 119:114